divendres, 27 de febrer del 2009

Instead of dance, it's choreography

Odio a la Graham, el Cunningham i la Wigman per sobre de tot. Odio al meu professor pretenciós i tendenciós. Let's dance, instead of doing choreography.

The the'ter, the the'ter
What's happened to the the'ter?
Especially where dancing is concerned
Chaps who did taps aren't tapping anymore
They're doing choreography
Chicks who did kicks aren't kicking anymore
They're doing choreography
Heps who did steps
That would stop the show in days that used to be

Through the air they keep flying
Like a duck that is dying
Instead of dance, it's choreography

4 comentaris:

Rivkah ha dit...

Keep it up darling. Don't mind teachers, they only serve for you to know what you agree and disagree with. The key is to continue being as wonderful and inspiring as you are.
I miss you.

Anònim ha dit...

Espero que els teus profes no coneguin el teu blog

Suzy Lee ha dit...

mmmm... és amb carinyo. en el fons els estimo un munt a tots. algun dia els hi faré una oda.

Lia ha dit...

por fin